Minor Crave Account

Thank you for signing up for Crave Freedom. This program is truly just a first step in a journey for someone struggling with pornography. One of the key components of lasting change is to communicate your struggles and difficulties with those who care about you the most.

Before continuing with this program, we ask everyone under the age of 18 to share with their parent or guardian about their struggle as well as their desire to go through this process. We know this may be a very difficult step, and it has the possibility to create some real sadness. The truth is, most people do not find freedom without a clear and caring support group. We believe that the family is the best place any individual has to help them in this process.

Furthermore, if you want to connect with a mentor we ask that you receive permission from your parents. It is important that your family knows and approves of the mentor you have chosen. Please do not lie about this to simply move forward.

If you really desire to find lasting freedom, you must be willing to come clean to those that love you the most. If they do not understand the struggles of pornography, share with them some of the online resources that are out there. Sites like Fight the New Drug explain how people get trapped in pornography.

God has so much planned for your life and we pray that you will take the steps necessary to find freedom that can only come from Christ.

God Bless
Crave Freedom Team

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